“The worst January and December reported in history”
“I feel there has been no other choice but to find a job somewhere else due to the constant worry within the industry”
Now’s the time to show your support towards the much-appreciated hair and beauty industry. Hairdressers and beauty therapists have and will always be a core, valued and trustworthy aspect of our society. Not only do these people listen everyday to our moans and concerns in our lives (let’s face it, it’s much easier to share with a stranger) they also seem to unknowingly create a ‘hub’, especially in smaller towns and villages. During my nursing career I worked with a patient who would book in with her regular hairdresser once a week. Why may you ask? This was a day to her where she felt safe for her hair to be washed and most importantly the human interaction was present which she so craved due to living alone.
Both hairdressers and beauty therapist are used to a buzzing and busy environment then came the pandemic. These social, hardworking professionals have had to adapt from a fast-paced career to nothing. The new way of living has affected so many and those struggling within the beauty industry aren’t forgotten. Looking at statistics, most employees within the industry are that of the younger generation, who most probably would not have known any coping mechanisms to deal with this.
Mind charity expressed “Prioritising mental health has never been more critical than it is now”.
At Where to glow we set out to discuss the impact of the pandemic and what effects it has had on businesses throughout the UK, not only focusing on financial issues but the real impact this has had, the wider impact how now more than ever it is crucial to support the industry.
We asked how people felt at the start of the pandemic, the answers resulted in every single individual expressing that they felt extremely worried. These worries were not only about financial impact but questions emerged such as, “Would I still have clients after the lockdown”, “How would I ensure I don’t contract the disease and pass between clients”. Individuals felt the first lockdown had hit them the most severe. Many of those asked felt that they were without financial help due to not qualifying for government schemes.
Some have claimed that they felt it was unfair that an industry so focused and constringent with rules on hygiene that they have been treated so unfairly. Make-up artists have been reporting that their main trade of weddings has died due to the cancelled ceremonies causing losses of hundreds on bookings.
Those who continue to work in this industry have trained for up to 3 years; even after this extensive training they still find that they do not know all of the answers, this comes with development. Constant development, learning, adapting to new trends, the use of new products etc all are what contributes to such high standards we admire. Then all of a sudden on such short notice, these talented individuals are also expected to keep up to such standards with a massive influx in bookings. The pressures of new and old clients wanting to book in as soon as possible, with the added pressure of social distancing measures. It was reported that working hours emerged from 0-60hours per week! I’m sure this hours could have been reduced if it had not have been for all those dodgy lockdown haircuts and colours.
Now the country reports to be coming to an end of this pandemic, where has it left the thousands of people within the industry? The countries most vulnerable people, some feel too frightened to go to a hairdresser/beautician or even someone entering their home. Other clients have reported that they have found other professionals due to some offering services despite the national guidelines.
Rebecca Hindson posted on social media “ Covid is still wiping our industry out people are feeling less precious about getting anything done as they went without it for so long”
Allora also posted on social media she is “worried about what the future holds that one minute her diary is full the next not”.
Issues within the industry are still apparent, salons are still working at reduced capacity to ensure social distancing measures are being adhered to, the continuation of constant unclear messages prior to Christmas caused people to not book with the fear of another lockdown. Salons and independents are constantly having appointments cancelled due to clients having to isolate.
Enough is enough.
Get out there and support the ongoing, thriving industry. You are safe in their hands. To find your next beauty therapist/hair artist, or register your business visit
www.wheretoglow.co.uk the treatments you can trust.